Certificate details

Certified object

Generation of synthetic data for the healthcare sector through the design, development, consulting and configuration on customer's premises of a proprietary AI Platform (Aindo Synthetic Data Platform)

Certification ID


Target of Evaluation

AINDO develops and provides an AI platform for the generation of synthetic data, that are artificially generated through an AI generative model that relies on machine learning schemes and is trained to reproduce the characteristics and structure of the original data. Synthetic data could be used for statistical or analysis purposes, providing very similar results of real data. In the meantime they guarantee the protection of the personal data of the data subjects to whom the real data refer, being artificially generated. The AI platform is installed on AINDO customer’s premises or customer’s cloud machines, where real and synthetic data are stored and processed. AINDO manages the design, development, configuration of the Platform, the consultancy on its use and its maintenance. AINDO’s customer acts as Controller for the specific processing activities, where AINDO acts as processor.

Target of Evaluation description

Generation of synthetic data for the healthcare sector through the design, development, consulting and configuration on customer's premises of a proprietary AI Platform (Aindo Synthetic Data Platform)



Applicant role

Data Processor

Certification standard


Certification version


Initial certification date

22 July 2024

Expiration date

21 July 2027



DP ID URL (if available)
Evaluation methods and tests

Document review, Interviews, Examinations, Data/records sample analysis

Summary of Evaluation results

The Applicant’s Data Processing Activites included into the Target of Evaluation, and referred to the applicable parts of the scheme (as processor), has been found compliant with relevant requirements specified by the Certification Scheme

Reasons for granting or revoking the certification

The Applicant’s Data Processing Activites included into the Target of Evaluation, and referred in paragraph a), has been found compliant with relevant requirements specified by the Certification Scheme

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Public comment (including Scope Modification)

AINDO develops and provides an AI platform for the generation of synthetic data, that are artificially generated through an AI generative model that relies on machine learning schemes and is trained to reproduce the characteristics and structure of the original data. Synthetic data could be used for statistical or analysis purposes, providing very similar results of real data. In the meantime they guarantee the protection of the personal data of the data subjects to whom the real data refer, being artificially generated. The AI platform is installed on AINDO customer’s premises or customer’s cloud machines, where real and synthetic data are stored and processed. AINDO manages the design, development, configuration of the Platform, the consultancy on its use and its maintenance. AINDO’s customer acts as Controller for the specific processing activities, where AINDO acts as processor.


Code: A057:A012

Certification body

Code: 00A9